Hi - I’m Jess ~ Grounded Farm Wife

I am an unexpected farmer's wife, a mother to three boys, and a passionate advocate for agriculture. On the days I feel confident, I am a farmer.

My "why" is to empower every rural woman to discover her purpose and embrace a grounded life. I want you to experience that sense of belonging, whether you're running a tractor, raising calves, milking cows on the farm, or nurturing your home, cooking meals, and tending to the fires within.

There's a unique place for every woman, and it will never be the same as someone else's. Embracing the diversity of experiences, I encourage you to do ALL the things, without limitations. Let us celebrate the fact that there's no single definition of a rural woman, and each of us has so much to contribute in our own remarkable way.

Together, we will create a community where every rural woman thrives, shining bright in her authenticity.

So how did I end up a dairy farmers wife?

Let me take you on a journey of how I found myself as a dairy farmer's wife.

Growing up, I never lived on a farm, but the rural landscape was familiar to me. My childhood was spent in a small country town, where life was simple and community connections were strong.

Some of my fondest memories were of the weekends and school holidays spent with my Grandpa on the farm. Those days were magical, feeding lambs and chickens, exploring on a motorbike, and delighting in the sweetness of freshly picked blackberries.

As I entered high school, my passion for agriculture grew, and I dreamt of pursuing it as a career. However, my dreams were met with skepticism from the careers advisor, who dismissed my aspirations with a discouraging remark:

"Girls don't do Ag, get a nice office job."

Unwilling to defy convention, I followed a different path and embarked on a journey to study law at university. The world beckoned, and I found myself on an exchange program in Denmark, where I forged unforgettable friendships and made cherished memories.

The Dairy Farmer

Taking the advice given I went to university and studied law. As I neared the end of my degree, which I completed through correspondence, fate had something extraordinary in store for me.

During that pivotal final year, I crossed paths with a man named Stephen who turned out to be a dairy farmer.

Life's unpredictable dance brought us together. In a little over a year, we were engaged and then married.

And there it was, the unexpected yet beautiful beginning of a new chapter—the dairy farmer's wife.

The journey takes the next big leap when we purchased our own dairy farm. It marked not just the beginning of a new chapter but a journey of self-discovery that unfolded in the paddocks and the walls of our home. My journey had never been on the farm before, my days had been spent at an off-farm job.

Motherhood and Farming

As I navigated the uncharted waters of being a mother of two an additional challenged emerged- grappling with the intricacies of farm life, from managing the bookwork to lending a hand at the dairy.

This season of motherhood had not been easy for me but once I embraced it as a chapter of time my heart and mind became settled.

Those early days were a whirlwind with an energetic 2-year-old and a 3-month-old premature baby creating a symphony of both joy and challenge. A quick two years later, a new bundle of joy graced out world, and once again we bore the weight of prematurity and medical intricacies. The call of the farm was outweighed by the needs of medically complex children.

With honesty, I can confess that much of my world within those years was within the four walls of our home. The paddocks viewed out the window became distant as I focused on my boys. Structure and routine became my sanctuary amidst the chaos.

The farm became a backdrop to my life instead of the focus and that was perfectly alright.

Becoming a Farmer

As it does time moved forward, and a shift occurred. The boys grew and their health improved meaning the four walls of our home no longer contained us. Slowly but surely the landscape of my role evolved, and I found myself in a different chapter of life. My boys who once demanded my constant presence, grew more independent and embarked on their own adventures.

With their growth and my own I now had the opportunity to explore a wider role on the farm. I loved my role as a farmers wife but now I took on the role of farmer as well.

Now, I confess my tractor driving skills might still be a work in progress, i only have a general understanding of the intricate details of a cows diet, and the nod-and-smile routine during my husbands farm talk still occasionally makes an appearance. Yet, among the things I have come to master is the care of over 400 calves annually, data management and parts run expert.

A Grounded Rural Life

My own journey has taught me something important: we should live life in a way that feels right for us and our families. We shouldn’t try to be something we are not.

Whether you're a full-time farmer, a farm wife and mum who stays at home, a farm wife with a town job, or someone who wants to learn more about farming and a rural life, you’re invited here. I’ve found my place on the land, and I want to help you find yours too.

Let’s create a community where each of us finds our own way, a life that makes us happy and takes care of our loved ones. Just like the crops that grow in the fields and the animals who care for, we can nurture our dreams together on this journey.

Stay updated on everything Grounded Farm Wife- from heartwarming farming stories to delicious recipes, insightful tips, delightful moments with kids on the farm, and guidance towards a grounded life.

Subscribe to my newsletter, ‘Grounded in a Touch of Chaos’, and together we will nurture a bond which makes each step on this path feel a little less lonely and a lot more fulfilling. Your story matters here, and I can’t wait to share this adventure with you.

When you sign up you will also receive my Grounded Farm Wife Journal to help you on your way to a grounded rural life.