Episode 009: Keeping it Together- Planning for a Smoother Busy Season


Episode Summary 

Welcome back to another episode of Cultivate Contentment! It’s been quite the week here on the farm. I’ve tried recording this episode multiple times, but between sick kids, farm noise, and a thunderstorm, it’s been a challenge. Fourth time lucky, though—let’s get this done! 

In this episode, I’m diving into the chaos that comes with the busy seasons on the farm. Whether it’s calving, haymaking, or silage, these times can feel overwhelming, especially when things don’t go as planned. I’m sharing some of my tried and true tips for getting through these hectic periods, as well as a few new ideas you might not have thought of. From meal prepping to creating a daily checklist, we’ll cover practical strategies to help keep things running smoothly while sprinkling a little joy into the everyday chaos. 

On today’s episode… 

In this episode about Keeping it Together- Planning for a Smoother Busy Season, we cover: 

  • Dealing with the Unexpected: 

  • This calving season caught me off guard, and I wasn’t as prepared as I should have been. We’ve had a lot of toast, cereal, and takeaway meals, and I deeply regret not prepping more. 

  • The unpredictability of farm life can be overwhelming, but there are ways to make it more manageable. 

  • Meal Prepping: 

  • The number one thing that gets me during the busy season is food. Kids get hungry, and if I don’t have meals ready, everything turns to chaos. 

  • Pre-plan and freeze meals on quieter days. Focus on easy, family-favorite recipes like spaghetti, tacos, and burgers. 

  • My main advice: Your future self will thank you for the prep work you do now. Trust me! 

  • Grab-and-Go Snacks: 

  • Keep your pantry stocked with easy snacks for the kids, like muffins, scones, and chocolate cake. When everyone was sick, we ran out of snacks, and I had to go shopping when I felt like death—don’t be me! 

  • Home-baked goodies are always a hit, and having them ready in the freezer can be a lifesaver. 

  • Streamlining Farm and Home Tasks: 

  • Daily checklists have been a game changer for me. I’m a checklist girl, and having a simple list of tasks helps me stay focused and ensures nothing falls through the cracks. 

  • Simplify your cleaning routine during busy times. Focus on tidiness rather than perfection—now is not the time for deep cleaning or decluttering. 

  • Pre-Packing for Busy Days: 

  • When my husband is out making silage or hay, I assemble a busy bag with everything he might need for the day. It saves time and prevents those “Can you bring me coffee?” calls. 

  • Set up a command center in your home for keys, phone chargers, school bags—anything you’re constantly searching for. It’s all about keeping things organized and easy to find. 

  • Routine Maintenance Checks: 

  • Before the busy season hits, do maintenance checks on all farm equipment. Make sure everything is in working order to avoid breakdowns during critical times. 

  • We’ve learned the hard way that rushing through these checks can lead to bigger problems down the road. 

Let’s get ready for the busy seasons ahead with practical strategies to keep things running smoothly and a little joy in the everyday chaos. Don’t forget to share your best tips on Instagram, and if you know a farm wife who’s great at feeding a crew during the busy season, tag her—I’d love to hear her advice! 

 Resources & Links: 

Connect with Jessica: 

More about the Cultivate Contentment podcast:  

Are you a rural farming woman, wife, or mother struggling to find peace in your busy life? Do you find yourself trying to squeeze joy out of your daily routine, manage stress that seems never-ending, and somehow reconnect with your passions in the midst of it all? Do you love your rural life yet often feel overwhelmed by the challenges it brings? 

Welcome to "Cultivate Contentment," the podcast designed just for you. 

I'm Jessica Knight, a fellow rural woman, wife, and mother. I get it—I've been there, right there in the trenches, juggling the demands of farm life, motherhood, and carving out moments to take care of myself.  

I understand the challenges you face every day. From being a first-generation dairy farmer to raising three energetic boys, navigating the ups and downs of rural life. 

Come along with me and my guests as we explore balancing farm life with personal needs on a realistic level, practical ways to sprinkle a little joy and peace into your daily routine, nurturing relationships without losing your sense of self, and how to keep stress at bay and prevent burnout. All while staying focused on what we really want; feeling content and settled in our lives. 

This is a show to delve into the heart of your daily struggles and triumphs, providing practical advice and heartfelt support to help you find peace and contentment in your unique journey. I know how hard it can be to juggle the responsibilities of farm life, motherhood, and personal well-being. "Cultivate Contentment" aims to be your companion and guide, offering insights and strategies that resonate with your experiences. 

So, whether you're savoring a cup of coffee before the morning chaos begins, stealing a moment of quiet on your drive to town, or popping in your earbuds while wrestling with laundry and dishes, I invite you to join me. Let's laugh, learn, and cultivate contentment together. 

Make sure to hit subscribe/follow so you never miss a convo! 


Episode 010. Simplify Your Life: Declutter Your Mind and Home with Bridget Johns


Episode 008: Navigating the Unpredictability of a Life in Agriculture